Kamis, 29 Januari 2015

The Strange Library Best Price

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Review for The Strange Library

Great Price for The Strange Library

Best Offer for The Strange Library

Mazes, locked doors, sheep-skinned man.....
A thoughtful, disciplined, lonely boy, a beautiful girl, a bird and a sheep man round out the cast of characters in The Strange Library, a short and strange novel with fewer than 100 pages.

The story begins with an unnamed boy returning his library books and looking for more books before returning home to his waiting mother and his pet bird. At the library he is directed to Room 107, located in the basement of the library, where a gruff old man answers the door and asks him what he wants. Startle by the man, the boy asks for a title that popped into his head on the way from school - "How Taxes are Collected in the Ottoman Empire", but really just anxious to get away from the old man. Unfortunately, he soon finds out that getting out of the library will not be as easy as it was to get in. Be careful what you ask for in this library, and be expected to read the books you ask for -- or else!

Mazes, locked doors, sheep-skinned man, a big angry dog, and...

The Strange Library Reveiws

The Strange Library Offer

Great Price for The Strange Library

The Strange Library

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