Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Simply Good News: Why the Gospel Is News and What Makes It Good Best Price

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Review for Simply Good News: Why the Gospel Is News and What Makes It Good

Great Price for Simply Good News: Why the Gospel Is News and What Makes It Good

Best Offer for Simply Good News: Why the Gospel Is News and What Makes It Good

"The one true God has now taken charge of the world, in and through Jesus and his death and resurrection."
NT Wright is an author that many are excited about and many are frustrated by. There is good reason for both. NT Wright is a serious scholar and he has helped reinvigorate serious scholarship about the New Testament that is focused on orthodox Christianity.

The main theological frustration, especially for a particular group of Reformed, is that he has focused on Paul and interpreted Paul as not being primarily focused on Jesus' Penal Substitution. He has not ignored Penal Substitution, or said it is not a real part of Christianity, but he has said the focus of Paul is not on Jesus' penal substitution, but on Jesus as King and restorer.

That major focus on Wright's work is front and center in Simply Good News. Wright does fairly well writing either to an academic audience (as his 1700 pages opus on Paul) or a popular audience. Simply Good News (like Simply Jesus, Simply Christian and Surprised by Hope) is popularly focused and has few footnotes or academic...

Simply Good News: Why the Gospel Is News and What Makes It Good Reveiws

Simply Good News: Why the Gospel Is News and What Makes It Good Offer

Great Price for Simply Good News: Why the Gospel Is News and What Makes It Good

Simply Good News: Why the Gospel Is News and What Makes It Good

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