Senin, 26 Januari 2015

The Biggest Kiss (Classic Board Books) Top Price

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Review for The Biggest Kiss (Classic Board Books)

Great Price for The Biggest Kiss (Classic Board Books)

Best Offer for The Biggest Kiss (Classic Board Books)

Sweet picture book - perfect for sharing
When this picture book arrived at my house I just happened to be babysitting for my 14 month old granddaughter. So we opened the package and sat down to read it together. In this case I will count her opinion as worth more than mine. She loved The Biggest Kiss!

14 month olds are not known for sitting still so I was amazed that she sat on my lap for the entire book. Granted the text isn't lengthy, but I think it's a record for my granddaughter anyway.

I have a number of books for my granddaughter on my ipod touch (encased in the Fisher Price apptivity case. Definitely worth it!) Those books come in handy when we're stuck waiting somewhere or are at a restaurant. Her reaction to this picture book was quite different than to ebooks or even the average board book.

First of all this was much bigger than the screen on my ipod or even a board book. Second, the paper is lovely - heavy with just a little bit of texture. It's a great medium for Judi Abbot's...

The Biggest Kiss (Classic Board Books) Reveiws

The Biggest Kiss (Classic Board Books) Offer

Great Price for The Biggest Kiss (Classic Board Books)

The Biggest Kiss (Classic Board Books)

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