Senin, 26 Januari 2015

Beautiful Chaos Offers

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Review for Beautiful Chaos

Great Price for Beautiful Chaos

Best Offer for Beautiful Chaos


I had only found out about Robert M. Drake by stumbling upon his Instagram page (rmdrk), what a happy accident. Then, I had found out he had written books, so I decided I needed to get my hands on at least one of them.

This book in particular is a hauntingly beautiful collection of poems and thoughts. It draws you into his mentality and makes you never want to leave. He writes of love and life so passionately, as if the emotion and experience are sacred things to be treasured at all times.

It is quite short, so I finished in one sitting, but it left a huge impression. They way he strings words together are just so breathtaking. At this point, I’m just about willing to read anything he writes. By the end, if I had to choose one word to describe this gorgeousness of a book it would be “pretty.” It is just so pretty. - Bianca B.

Beautiful Chaos Reveiws

Beautiful Chaos Offer

Great Price for Beautiful Chaos

Beautiful Chaos

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