Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015

DBT® Skills Manual for Adolescents Great Price

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Review for DBT® Skills Manual for Adolescents

Great Price for DBT® Skills Manual for Adolescents

Best Offer for DBT® Skills Manual for Adolescents

Five Stars

Very informative.

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Great Price for DBT® Skills Manual for Adolescents

DBT® Skills Manual for Adolescents

Bar Tartine: Techniques & Recipes Great Price

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Review for Bar Tartine: Techniques & Recipes

Great Price for Bar Tartine: Techniques & Recipes

Best Offer for Bar Tartine: Techniques & Recipes

Inspiring, Uncompromising Cookbook
The philosophy behind this book is immediately apparent: the first 150 pages contain recipes for ingredients, not dishes. But what ingredients! Goat cheese, pork fat chile oil, rice vinegar, Brussels kraut, fig leaf syrup, mushroom broth, karasumi/bottarga(!) An entire other category is powders - onion, garlic, yoghurt, rice koji, kale, parsnip, sauerkraut - that are bright and fresh and perfect for inventive sous vide recipes. One warning though: the recipe for black garlic (put garlic heads in a slow cooker set on Warm, for two weeks) mentions the intense smell: I confirm that it can go through walls.

But back to that mushroom broth: it is ordinarily made with water and a few mushrooms, and is invariably insipid; this recipe cooks LOTS of fresh mushrooms at low temperature for hours then extracts all the liquid from them, is all. The recipe made so much sense that it was the first thing I made. It's easily the best mushroom broth in the world, but these guys also include...

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Bar Tartine: Techniques & Recipes

The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users Best Price

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Review for The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users

Great Price for The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users

Best Offer for The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users

A Strong Guide for Individuals and Small Businesses
In all practicality, it is difficult to find a book that properly addresses a solid social media strategy. Many try to be either all-encompassing or too narrow for everyday use. This book is laid out along 12 chapters and follows a very logical order. Beginning with what your social media footprint should look like to the intricacies of differences between the platforms. Guy offers a plethora of information, in a neatly organized fashion. There is no shortage of advice though, throughout these chapters, there are a whopping 123 different tips for improving your social media presence

Although mainly a technical book, the author does have his fun, and makes the whole book more readable by spats of comedy… Guy seems to have enough experience with trolls that he tends to refer to them as orifices…

Let’s take a look at some of the great and not so great aspects of this book.

- Netiquette is observed in many chapters, and is...

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The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users Offer

Great Price for The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users

The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users

Vanessa and Her Sister: A Novel Best Price

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Review for Vanessa and Her Sister: A Novel

Great Price for Vanessa and Her Sister: A Novel

Best Offer for Vanessa and Her Sister: A Novel

"Love is not the same as forgiveness."
I've always thought it must be tough to be the accomplished but always less-well known sibling of a famous brother or sister. In "Vanessa and Her Sister," we are treated to Vanesa Bell's, the wife of Clive and sister of Virginia (Stephen) Woolf, account of being a member of a well-educated and accomplished family and circle of would-be famous intellectuals. The circle, known as the Bloomsbury group, includes journalist Lytton Strachey, novelist E.M. Forster, economist John Maynard Keynes, Leonard Woolf (then a cadet in the Colonial Civil Service, artist Margery "Snow" Snowden, and the two Stephen brothers: Thoby and Adrian, both Cambridge undergraduates. When the book opens, the four siblings are living together and hosting meetings of the circle. As the book progresses, we get to learn more about each one's work and personal lives, and how their paths intersect.

There are three main threads, among all the diary entries and correspondence by the various...

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Great Price for Vanessa and Her Sister: A Novel

Vanessa and Her Sister: A Novel

The Almost Nearly Perfect People: Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia Offers

Irrational Exuberance 3rd edition Top Price

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Review for Irrational Exuberance 3rd edition

Great Price for Irrational Exuberance 3rd edition

Best Offer for Irrational Exuberance 3rd edition

No Easy Answers
The first edition of Irrational Exuberance warned of a stock market bubble. The key takeaway was to diversify. A few months later the dot com bubble crashed and stocks corrected.

The second edition of Irrational Exuberance warned of a housing market bubble. The key takeaway was to diversify. A few years later, the sub-prime crisis hit and both stocks and house prices corrected.

This, the third edition, warns about a number of things. And there seems to be no place to hide. Interest rates on bonds are historically low and unattractive. US stock prices are high. Yet historically speaking, Shiller thinks stocks could continue to rise higher for a while longer. Housing prices have rebounded in the US and are at bubble levels in other countries. The key takeaway seems to be we should hedge risks, and invest in assets that correlate negatively with labor income. The only concrete hedging suggestions from Shiller sadly all come with significant complexity and a heavy...

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Great Price for Irrational Exuberance 3rd edition

Irrational Exuberance 3rd edition

Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

The Kind Worth Killing: A Novel Top Price

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Review for The Kind Worth Killing: A Novel

Great Price for The Kind Worth Killing: A Novel

Best Offer for The Kind Worth Killing: A Novel

Falls short of my expectations

The characters are all the same. If the chapters weren't headed with the names of the characters, you couldn't tell the difference between them. The voices, too, are a little precious. Given the awfulness of the characters...and they're all despicable...I would have liked a bit more attention to voice. Instead, this is a book that's all plot, and it moves along, but as I read, I found it impossible to suspend my disbelief. What are the chances of so many sociopaths coming together? And all so similar? No humor in this book, which might have improved it; it's a straightforward grind. I liked his first book, but this one's kind of a chore. And the comparisons to Patricia Highsmith simply seem inaccurate. But I'm clearly in the minority.

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The Kind Worth Killing: A Novel